Things I am making to put my dent in the universe.

I’ve worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones that I’m most proud of. Some of them are ongoing and I will update them with more information and links as I progress.

  • AgriOpt Freja

    Building a cloud-based solution for enabling better crop farming with data-driven algorithms and AI. Collecting data from satellites, soil samples, farm machines, weather, and more to find underperforming areas and suggest interventions to improve crop yield and reduce the use of fertilizer as well as reducing the impact on the environment and the climate.

    Google CloudFirebasePythonReact.jsGeospatial dataMachine LearningData Science

  • Swedish Circuit Coach

    Build a digital coach for helping athletes to prepare and compare their performances in "En Svensk Klassiker". Collecting data from previous race times as well as the user`s training logs via Garmin Connect to predict race times and help athletes to improve their performance.

  • Race Track Comparison

    Compare your race performance with others and get feedback on your good and week areas. Upload your GPX race tracks and get an overview of your performance on e.g., flat and hilly areas to compare your race with others and find what you can improve on until next time.
